
See What People do Every 60 Seconds on The Internet

With over 5 billion people using the internet, so many activities takes place there. And in just 60 seconds, a lot really happens which most of us don't know.
See What People do Every 60Mins on The Internet

Like you are busy reading this article, your next door neighbour might be on Facebook, or probably watching a youtube video. So the internet is a big world and every 60 Seconds:
  • 900 thousand people log in to Facebook.
  • People Search Google 3.5million times.
  • $751,522 is spent online.
  • 452,000 tweets are sent.
  • 1.8 million snaps are created.
  • 156 million emails are sent
  • 4.1 million YouTube videos are watched
  • 15,000 GIFs are sent on Messenger.
  • 342,000 Apps are Downloaded
  • 46,200 posts are made on Instagram.

All these activities are more which aren't recorded takes place in a minute on the internet. Kindly share!

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