
How To Share Your Phone’s Internet Connection Without Password UsingBluetooth

ibluetooth.jpegHello there! I am always excited to give you tips and tricks for free that I think will benefit you and will make gadgets easy for you to use. I am going to show you how to share your phone’s internet connection without password using Bluetooth tethering. I will put the link to view the images that will make this tutorial easier for you to understand at the end of this post. This article will enlighten you to be careful of who you give your wireless password especially if you are subscribed to a data cap and not unlimited bandwidth. What I have for you today is a feature I know most people don’t have an idea of. It’s called Bluetooth Tethering. This feature is excellent in the sense that you don’t need a password like the traditional Hotspot tethering before you can connect other devices once you set it up. You can connect network devices like your smartphone, laptops, TVs without using password even if there is a password on the router. Don’t get confused, I will show you how. Of course we all know about using Wi-Fi hotspot to connect up to ten network devices at a time. When you use Wi-Fi hotspot don’t forget that you have to input the password for authentication for every device that wishes to join the network, which can be stressful. Although this is secure in the sense that before anyone connects to your Hotspot network, s/he will be required to query for the password from you which makes it a great feature to use. Have you ever thought of how you can connect other devices to share your device’s internet connection using Bluetooth? Well, I guess you are thinking about it now. Bluetooth tethering doesn’t request for passwords, all you have to do is to check the box that says enable this device internet connection in the Bluetooth tethering option, scan, connect and you are in. So how do you connect your smartphone? One you have checked the box to enable this device internet connection in the Bluetooth tethering and you are browsing already, just put on the other device’s Bluetooth and scan. Ensure your device is in discovery mode which means it is set to be visible to all nearby devices Once it can detect your Bluetooth name, pair the devices together and connect. That’s all. You can achieve this by going to Settings, connections, then Tethering and portable hotspot, and finally Check the Bluetooth tethering (Sharing this device’s internet connection) box. How do you connect your laptop? Locate your Bluetooth Icon, Click on it and then Click on Join a Personal Area Network, if you have not used your phone to send any files to your laptop before, you will see a blank page, don’t worry, just click on Add a device, ensure your device is in discovery mode which means it is set to be visible to all nearby devices and allow it to scan. After you have selected the device, click next to undergo verification, when asked for confirmation, just click on Yes to confirm verification from your phone and laptop. Once it is done… Go to drop down icon and select connect using Access Point as seen in the image below You should see connection successful and that’s all. Enjoy! This shouldn’t take you 20 secs to set up. Its very simple. Now that you have learnt how to share your phone’s internet connection without password using Bluetooth tethering. Kindly share if you find this informative. Leave a comment if you have any questions. Gracias! Source : http:// how-to/how-to-share-your- phones-internet- connection-without- password-using-bluetooth

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