

Before you start anything, sms PAYU to127. You will receive a reply that you are using data as Pay As U Go to browse. Skip this action if you have previously sent the text. REQUIREMENTS 1. Your Android device either rooted or unrooted 2. Glo sim with 0.00kb balance and noactive data plan 3. Strong and stable 3G network on your Glo SIM 4. Psiphon Pro Lite Handler Android app. NEW APN CONFIGURATION,APN SETTINGS Name:OLEX APN:glo3gvideo APN Type:TickDefault & SuplProxy: leave it blank Port: leave it blank Username and password: leave it empty PSIPHON HANDLER SETTINGS FOR GLO 0.00 FREE BROWSING Launch your Psiphon app and set it up with the settings below: Tick Remove Port Proxy type ual Real Host Proxy Real proxy type:HTTP Real proxy server:leave it blank Real proxy port:80 Now tap on Save, Goto Option => More Options and Untick every boxes. After that, go back and select Region as United States or United Kingdom and tap on Start to connect.It will connect within 1 to 5mins. Afterits connected, start browsing as you like....

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