
Free Agric Obj And Eassy Answers Waec Gce

NO (1A) Poultry provide humans with companionship, food and fiber in the form of eggs, meat and feathers. eggs production is second money making business in Agriculture after Cultivation of Land. NO (1B) (i) TRANSPORTATION: when the roads are bad farmers will find it difficult to export the farm products to the market (ii) FARM INPUTS: when the farm lacks fertilizers and mannure there will not be rapid growth in plants. NO (1C) i. forestry ii. wildlife conservation iii. livestock production iv. production of crops NO (1D) (i) IGNEOUS ROCK: granite and pegmatite (ii) METAMORPHIC ROCK: marble and slate NO (2A) Farm machinery includes various types of machines and implements used in the farm. NO (2B) i. it is used in taking short or detailed measurement of length and breath. ii. it is used in taking bearings. iii. it is used during chaining for marking off chain lengths as measured. NO (2C) i. Farmers should be educated to accept modern systems of farming, especially in the areas of mechanization. ii. Simple and less expensive machines should be developed. iii. Government should provide loans to enable farmers to purchase farm machines. iv. Farmers should form co-operative societies to enable them to pool their resources together to buy farm machines. NO (2D) i. The machine should be clean and greese. ii. Thorough Cleaning of animals before milking. iii. The machine should be operated by an expert. NO (2E) i. stunted growth ii. yellowing of leave . NO (2F) i. Bush burning ii.deforestation iii.over gazing iv. continious croping NO (3A) i. Annual crops- Rice, millet, cotton, pepper, soya bean, onion ii. Perennial crops- rubber, cocoa iii. Biennial crops - carrot, jute. NO (3B) i. Soilage - green forage crops that are cut and carried to feed animals grazing on unproductive pastures, in order to supplement their diets. Crops commonly used for soilage are clovers and lucerne. ii. Silviculture is the practice of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health, and quality of forests to meet diverse needs and values. NO (3C) i. Rainfall ii. Grazing iii. Removal of trees iv. Fertility of the soil v. Control of weeds vi. Avoidance of overstocking NO (5A) (i)Short term credit: this is a productive credit which the borrower is expected to refund in a year or less (ii)Medium term credit: this credit is to be repaid within a period of two to five years (iii)Long term credit: this credit is repayable within the period of of three to twenty years NO (5B) i. Farm records can be helpful in planning improvements for that business and making proper management decisions. ii. Farm managers can use Farm records to determine what the efficiencies and the inefficiencies are, measure progress of the business and plan for the future. iii. Farm Records furnish the necessary information for understanding the activities of your farm operation. iv. Farm Records can help the manager plan and implement farm business arrangements and do estate and other transfer farming. NO (5C) i. Hens do not have to lay stop egg production,consequently,a large number of eggs are produced within a short period ii. Large number of eggs are incubated and hatched at the same time NO (5D) i. Basket ii. hook and line iii. Trawlers iv. Pond draining Impaling NO (6A) i. Individual method ii. Group method iii. Mass media method i. Individual method: The individual method includes farm and home visits, aimed at direct contact between farmers and the extension agents. The purpose is to give advice or assistance on a wide range of farm and home problem ii. Group method: The group method involve the working together with groups of farmers under the supervision of the extension workers. Examples of group methods include: symposia, debates, field trips iii. Mass media: Mass media involve the dissemination of information through special media of communication to the farmer. NO (6B) i. To educate rural women on home management ii. To change peoples’ outlook towards their living condition iii. To act as a link between farmers and research institute/government iv. To assist in locating markets for their farm produce v. To monitor the use of Agric loans NO (6C) i. They cause reduction in viability of stored produce ii. They can also cause total death of crop iii. They generally reduce the yield of crops iv. Some are carriers or vectors of diseases NO (6D) i. It causes reduction of soil nutrient ii. It kills the crops iii. It kills micro- organisms in the soil

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